Meibomian GlandDysfunction (MGD)

What is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)?

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, or MGD, occurs when there is a compromise to the function and/or structure of the meibomian glands in the eyelids that produce the protective oily layer of the tear film. MGD affects 86% of those with Dry Eye Syndrome, and it’s often treatable.

86% of those diagnosed with dry eye have MGD

Diagnosing MGD with HD Mibomian Imaging

The LipiScan® interferometer is the first device of its kind that enables doctors to assess your tear film by capturing images that measure the thickness of the lipid (oil) component, and an examination of the quantity and quality of lipids being released from your glands using the Meibomian Gland Evaluator™. Until the introduction of LipiScan®, your doctor did not have a way to show if you were lipid deficient. As part of the revolutionary TearScience® system, your doctor will perform a series of tests to determine the likely cause of your dry eyes. Knowing what is causing your dry eyes will help your doctor determine the best treatment option.

The LipiView® process is non-invasive and only takes about 5 minutes to asses the lipid layer of your tears, and to scan the meibomian glands.

   How may we help?

Treating MGD 

Possible treatment for Evaporative Dry Eyes and MGD include:
Oily Layer - Outermost layer prevents evaporation
Warm compress therapy and eyelid hygiene using scrubs and manual massage 
Topical prescription medications 
Over-the-counter tear replacements and lubricants 
Punctal plugs made of silicone or collagen inserted in the tear ducts 
or LipiFlow® Treatment 
Your doctor will determine the best treatment option for you based on several factors that are obtained during your Dry Eye Evaluation. 

What is LipiFlow®?

The LipiFlow® System is the only FDA-cleared medical device for removing gland blockages and restoring gland function. Through advances in the application of Vectored Thermal Pulsation (VTP™) technology, the LipiFlow® treatment utilizes a patented algorithm of heat applied to the inner eyelids and massage to remove the obstructions in your meibomian glands. Performed in office by your doctor, the complete dual treatment takes less than 20 minutes.

During a LipiFlow® Treatment

The 12-minute treatment will begin with you resting in a reclined chair in a procedure room. Your doctor or a staff member of Precision Vision Edmond will place a mild anesthetic drop into the eye(s) being treated. Your doctor will gently fit the LipiFlow® disposable eyepiece under your eyelids, which will close around the applicator. After the LipiFlow® is activated you will feel both gentle pressure and warmth on your eyelids. 

Once the temperature of the applicator reaches a therapeutic range – enough warmth to begin melting the blockages of the glands, it will maintain a constant pressure for 2 minutes. Next, the pressure will go through different modes, including slow increasing pressure and pulsation for several cycles for the remaining 10 minutes of the treatment. 

The results of the LipiFlow® treatment vary patient to patient. It may take several weeks to see any symptom relief, so a follow-up re-evaluation is typically scheduled 8 weeks after the treatment – some patients will require more than 1 follow-up depending on your eye’s response to the treatment.

Contraindications, risks, and potential adverse effects of LipiFlow® treatments

Patients with certain eye conditions are contraindicated from having LipiFlow®, certain conditions include, but are not limited to*:
Recent eye surgery or injury 
Recurrent chronic inflammation of the eye in the prior 3 months 
Eye infection 
Eyelid abnormality that affects eyelid movement and function 
Eye surface abnormality that may affect the integrity of the ocular surface 
Moderate to severe eye allergies 
Some patients may have adverse affects that occur as a result of the procedure, these include but are not limited to the onset or increase in*: 
Eyelid or eye pain requiring the discontinuation of the LipiFlow® procedure 
Eyelid irritation or inflammation 
Eye surface irritation or inflammation 
Heat related injury to the eyelid or eye 
Physical pressure-induced injury to the eyelid 
Eye surface infection 
Other eye symptoms: redness, burning, stinging, itching, sensitivity to light 
*These are all possible adverse effects, but have a low occurrence rate 

Financing options for the LipiScan®  or LipiFlow® System

The eye examination and parts of a dry eyes evaluation may be covered by your medical insurance. The LipiScan® and LipiFlow® however, are not covered by medical insurance. They are considered self-pay, and payment is collected at the time of service. There may be rebates and/or discounts offered to counter some of the costs associated with the test and procedure. We also offer CareCredit to help with the cost.
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